QCBio BIG Summer students may receive reimbursement to present their research at a scientific meeting.

Students who have completed the BIG Summer program are eligible to receive funding to present their research at a scientific meeting that they attend within the next academic year on the project undertaken at UCLA.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Students should apply for funding no fewer than 6 weeks prior to the meeting to ensure that we are able to reimburse them in a timely manner. Students will receive notice of award within 4 weeks of receipt of the completed application packet.

Application Process
Students should complete the on-line application (https://forms.gle/tBWmYP3Eu9yQT38n7) and provide the contact information for the PI with whom they worked with at UCLA during BIG Summer. The UCLA PI is required to submit a letter of recommendation to BIGSummer@ucla.edu.

Selection Process
Selection of students will be based on the abstract, the recommendations of the UCLA PI, and the availability of funding.

Funding Process

Reimbursable expenses include conference registration fees, travel, lodging and per diem expenses. Students will be required to keep all receipts and will submit original receipts for reimbursement. Students will receive an award letter indicating their responsibilities and how reimbursement will occur.

Awards are typically up to $1,000.

Questions? Contact Caroline Baron, Undergraduate Programs Manager, at BIGSummer@ucla.edu.