
 The Collaboratory, a central component of the Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences (QCB), brings together experimental and computational biologists for collaboration and skill development. By teaching workshops and providing expert consulting, Collaboratory fellows have enabled hundreds of experimentalists that include contemporary genomic technologies in their research, and make novel discoveries.

The mission of the QCBio Collaboratory is to provide computational research support to projects initiated by experimentalists. This mission is pursued at three levels: (i) collaborative support or consulting work, (ii) workshops to convey commonly used bioinformatics skills, including the analysis of Next Gen Sequencing data, (iii) servers that enable a semi-automated workflow for common types of analyses of next generation sequencing data.  These activities are supported by the QCB Collaboratory postdoctoral fellows, who are selected from a broad applicant pool for renewable annual appointments.

In summary, the Collaboratory offers expert computational and bioinformatics support services to UCLA faculty, staff, and students:

Training Workshops

  • We offer interactive workshops taught by fellows on the latest next-generation sequencing techniques. These courses are also available for non-UCLA affiliates upon request.

Analysis of next-generation sequencing data consultation services

  • Provide expert consultation services, research support, and analysis of data by pairing a lab with a specific fellow with expertise in the problem area

Automated Data Analysis Tool

  • Offer use of the Galaxy server, a software used to analyze datasets.

For inquiries, please contact Matteo Pellegrini.