UCLA Collaboratory Fellow Award Program

The Collaboratory Fellow Award Program is a prestigious funding mechanism available to postdocs and project scientists conducting research in computational biology and bioinformatics.

We welcome all individuals who identified a postdoctoral opportunity with a Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Computational Biosciences laboratory at UCLA.

Being a COLLABORATORY FELLOW prepares you for the next career step

  • Develop and document your teaching and training skills
  • Develop your skills in managing and contributing to collaborations
  • Expand your research impact and publication record
  • Leverage the network of faculty engaged with the Collaboratory
  • Benefit from a community of like-minded peer postdocs
  • Receive $25,000 per year in funding (renewable 6 month increments)

Our Faculty

QCB Collaboratory is searching for a postdoc or project scientist who can collaborate with world-class faculty in bioinformatics, genomics, or computational biology– To learn about our faculty, and their research, click here.

What our alumni have to say

Qualifications and Requirements

Collaboratory Fellow responsibilities are designed to provide career development opportunities complementary to those of their host laboratory: developing a collaborative network; broadening research impact and training; and expanding a teaching portfolio.

Awards are typically $12,500 and for a renewable six-month period. Fellows are responsible for:

  • teaching one workshop per quarter,
  • dedicating one day per week to Collaboratory projects,
  • attending monthly group meetings.

To apply, e-mail the following materials to collaboratory@ucla.edu:

    • a curriculum vitae (CV)
    • No more than 1-page research statement:
      • Please describe your past and current research, and highlight your quantitative expertise.
      • What types of collaborative projects may you be interested in contributing to QCBio?
    • No more than 1-page teaching statement:
      • Please describe your past teaching experiences and your teaching philosophy.
      • Which of the currently offered workshops would you be interested in teaching?
      • What new workshops you might want to develop, and how would they align with your teaching philosophy.
    • No more than 1 letter of recommendation from a faculty member who is not your current PI.
    • No more than 1 page letter of support from your current PI.

For Returning Fellows, e-mail the following materials to collaboratory@ucla.edu:

  • A curriculum vitae (CV).
  • 1 letter of support from UCLA PI.
  • Describe your plans to further inclusive and equitable teaching practices.