Workshop Description
Higher-order chromatin structure is being increasingly recognized as a critical component of gene regulation. Long-range chromatin interactions can be detected using Hi-C, a genome-wide derivative of the chromosome conformation capture (3C) assay. This three-day workshop is designed to provide an introduction to Hi-C analysis.
Day 1
- Introduction to the 3D genome
- Overview of Hi-C experiments: wet lab and computational consideration
- Quick review of linux, Hoffman2 and high-throughput sequencing glossary.
- Aligning Hi-C library using HiC-Pro
Slides for day 1 can be found here.
Day 2
- Aligning Hi-C library using HiC-Pro, continued.
- Visualization of data using HiC-Plotter
Slides for day 2 can be found here.
Day 3
- Identification of significant chromatin interactions using GOTHiC.
- Calculate directionality index using HiTC.
- Overview of other useful Hi-C tools: hicup, HOMER
Slides for day 3 can be found here.
Technical Requirements
- Attendees are required to have a Hoffman2 account. To apply for an account, click here. UCLA participants who lack a faculty sponsor and non-UCLA participants may apply for a temporary Hoffman2 account, requesting sponsorship from Collaboratory Workshops.
- We strongly encourage attendees to bring a laptop capable of accessing UCLA’s WiFi.
The following packages installed and tested:
- an SSH client to access the Hoffman2 cluster (for Windows, use PuTTY). Users must have Hoffman2 active user account.
- a SFTP file transfer software such as FileZilla, Cyberduckor WinSCP
You should be already familiar with these softwares from previous workshops. In the interest of timeliness, we cannot troubleshoot each and everyone’s configuration, so please make sure that everything is working before coming to class, or you won’t be able to practice. All the other tools required for Hi-C specific analysis will be accessed through Hoffman2.
To be announced
Very detailed slides, great step by step. I would recommend the Hi-C workshop to those who are interested in leveraging this technique.
Workshop Details
Prerequisites: W1, W2, & W3 or
basic Unix and R scripting
W9 is strongly recommended
Length: 3 days, 2 hrs per day
Level: Advanced
Location: Collaboratory Classroom (Boyer Hall, 529)
Seats Available: 10
Upcoming Dates
Workshop discontinued