Workshop Structure
The QCB Collaboratory conduct hands-on workshops tailored to individuals in the Biosciences Community who are interested in learning data analysis, programming and statistical techniques, which include the analysis of next generation sequence data. The topics include Introduction to the Unix command line, NGS data analysis, R Programming, RNA-Seq, BS-Seq, and many others.
The workshops are offered quarterly with the exception of summer. Each workshop runs for 2-3 days, 2-3 hours per day. Attendance is mandatory for all days. It is recommended to take the workshops in sequential order. You may skip the introductory workshops if you have equivalent knowledge. Contact the instructor to be sure.
The QCB Collaboratory workshops are open and free of charge to UCLA faculty, staff, affiliates, and students.
UCLA graduate students are eligible to receive course credit via the Applied Bioinfo Course.

The workshop schedule is listed here. All workshops are held in the Collaboratory classroom located in Boyer Hall 529.