W37: Applications of Large Language Models

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This 3-day interactive workshop introduces the overarching principles guiding generative modeling and specifically Large-Scale Language Models (LLM), their application in Python for inference, and specific use-cases in Genomics. Experience with Python is necessary, and basic knowledge about ML workflows is preferred. At the end of this workshop, you WILL be comfortable with loading, inferencing and […]

W5a: RNA-seq I Analysis

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

RNA-seq I aims to provide an introduction and the basics tools to process raw RNA-seq data on a cluster machine (Hoffman2). The workshop can serve also as a starting point to develop a gene expression project. This workshop is divided in three days that will cover major steps of processing RNA-seq. To facilitate learning, the […]

W5b: RNA-Seq II Analysis

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

RNA-seq II aims to provide tools for analysis of gene expression data from read counts to biology using R. To facilitate learning, the workshop will use a real case study based approach appropriate for Illumina read data (same as RNA-seq I).

W36: Mergeomics for Multiomics Integration

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Mergeomics is a computational tool designed to elucidate the underlying pathways, networks, and key regulators of complex diseases by integrating multi-omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, etc). With use of integrative omics concepts and network modeling methods, this tool can uncover disease-associated gene sets and biological pathways across omics layers and can identify key drivers […]

W20: Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis with R

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop aims to introduce the basic concepts and algorithms for single-cell RNA-seq analysis. It will help participants obtain a better idea of how to use scRNA-seq technology, from considerations in experimental design to data analysis and interpretation. This workshop can serve researchers who are interested in designing an scRNA-seq study or who have acquired […]

W33: Accessing Clinical Databases

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The UCLA ATLAS Precision Health Biobank integrates genetic information and de-identified medical records to enable precision health research. This introductory workshop will cover the basics of extracting health-related phenotypes from the electronic health record. Topics covered include introductory SQL, medical record concepts and organization, and best practices. No prior experience with SQL nor health records […]