QCBio Statement

The Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biology at UCLA is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment for its community of scientists, scholars, students and staff. Our goals are to foster a community of faculty and an environment of mentoring and career opportunities for students and trainees in which every single community member can succeed.

QCBio Equity Advisor

The QCBio equity advisor consults on the institute’s activities, including the seminar series, training activities, and recruitment of students, postdocs, and faculty. The equity advisor is available for confidential consultation and welcomes suggestions on creating an inclusive environment in QCBio.

Noa Pinter-Wollman
Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Undergraduate Research

There are many ways to recruit excellent undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds into research in quantitative biology:

  • UCLA-HHMI Pathways to Success Program – 4-year honors-level program for undergraduate students majoring in the life sciences and who intend to pursue a career in the life sciences.

K-12 Outreach

There are many ways to engage in K-12 outreach:

Other Resources