W23: Advanced Cytoscape

ZOOM CA, United States

The workshop will cover experimental approaches to protein interaction determination; processing and presentation of interaction data available from online resources, and the role of interaction data in the interpretation of large scale datasets. Highly encourage: Students should working knowledge of python scripting.

W8: Variant Calling with GATK

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop uses materials developed by the Broad Institute to teach Variant Discovery with GATK.  Attendees with no prior experience in variant calling are recommended to review all of the materials below before coming to the workshop. This early preparation will allow a focus on the specific issues of running GATK on the UCLA hoffman2 […]

W13: Genetic Analysis (VCF-Plink)

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

High-throughput sequencing technologies have allowed researchers to extract DNA at the individual, population, and species levels. In this workshop, students will learn how to analyze and interpret population-level genetic information with PLINK and R. Students will also be exposed to the literature on the different topics, followed by hands-on exercises and paper discussion.

W3: Intro to R and Data Visualization

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

R (www.r-project.org) is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. First, this workshop introduces basic concepts, syntax, and usage in R programming, statistical analysis, and visualization techniques. We will conduct hands-on tutorials throughout the session, giving attendees a chance to see R in action. This course is a pre-requisite for several other Collaboratory […]

W12: Intro to MATLAB

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

MATLAB is a powerful, high-level programing language for numerical computation, visualization, and application development. This workshop will start by introducing the MATLAB environment and then cover working with arrays and matrices, loops and conditional statements, writing your own functions, working with files and visualizing your data. The final day will briefly introduce utilizing MATLAB to […]

W31: Spatial Transcriptomics

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Spatial transcriptomics is an emerging field that bridges molecular biology and anatomy. Over the last decade, a battery of assays have been developed that profile gene expression in-situ, i.e, measuring the abundances of mRNA molecules in cells and tissues while retaining information about their spatial locations. This workshop will introduce the basic concepts, major techniques, […]

W7: ChIP-seq Analysis

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop aims to provide skills needed to address principles of the assay, quality assessment, sequencing depth, data processing and functional downstream analyses of ChIP-seq datasets. Students will have opportunities to practice hands-on with state-of-the-art analytical tools.

W32: GitHub/Docker

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn how to make your applications ready for production and distribution. This workshop will give you your introduction to setting up version control and containerization for your applications to ensure that changes are tracked and dependencies are documented and automatically installed.  Git and Docker allow developers and users to quickly replicate code and computing environments […]

W9: Intro to Python

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop will cover the basic concepts of Python programming. The course is supplemented with many hands-on exercises with emphasis given towards computational biology use cases.