UCLA faculty drawing attention to systemic racism in higher education

Sciencemag.org article here    

Biomathematician Van Savage and sleep researcher Gina Poe discover purpose of sleep shifts during “terrible twos”

ScienceAdvances article here Smithsonian Magazine article here    

B.I.G. Summer 2020: 74 talks & abstracts are now posted on the QCBio website

Congratulations to all our B.I.G. Summer students! Read more: https://qcb.ucla.edu/big-summer/big2020/   B.I.G. Summer is an 8-week full-time immersion program for undergraduates interested in learning how to read and analyze genes […]

Lloyd-Smith lab addresses key questions re Covid-19 pandemic

QCB Faculty Pellegrini, Horvath, Suchard, among most highly cited researchers

Faculty Search for a Developmental Systems Biologist

Tenure Track Assistant or Associate Professor Dev Bio

Serghei Mangul Appointed as Assistant Professor at USC School of Pharmacy

Serghei Mangul has worked as a postdoctoral fellow for Dr. Eleazar Eskin here at UCLA since 2013 and will now be an incoming assistant professor this fall, when Dr. Mangul will […]

Members of QCBio team propose plan to use bioinformatics, open data to boost science in developing countries

UCLA computer scientists and their collaborators have devised a plan for the use of cloud computing and big data analysis to allow scientists in developing countries to jumpstart bioinformatics research […]

Eleazar Eskin is named a 2019 Fellow of the International Society for Computational Biology

Eleazar Eskin, professor of computer science in the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, has been named one of four 2019 fellows by the International Society for Computational Biology. The fellows […]

Jasmine Zhou improves non-invasive cancer screening

March 14, 2019 UCLA research team led by Dr. Xianghong Jasmine Zhou, Dr. Steven-Huy Han, and Dr. Samuel French were awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health for […]