QCBio Research Seminar: Daniel Ha (Yang), Postdoc, Dept. Integrative Biology and Physiology

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "“Cross-tissue multiomics studies reveal gutbrain interactions mediating the effect of Akkermansia muciniphila in counteracting fructose-induced obesity” ABSTRACT: The gut bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila (A. muciniphila) has been implicated in anti-obesity effects, but a systems level understanding of the molecular mechanisms is lacking. We carried out multiomics studies to investigate the molecular cascades mediating the anti-obesity effect of A. muciniphila in a fructoseinduced obesity mouse model. […]

QCBio Webinar: Mapping The Brain With 100 Billion Cells, Is This an Impossible Task?

ZOOM CA, United States

A conversation featuring: Roy Wollman, Ph.D. Professor, UCLA Integrative Biology & Physiology and Chemistry & Biochemistry Jingyi Jessica Li, Ph.D. Professor, UCLA Statistics, Biostatistics, Computational Medicine and Human Genetics Hong-Wei Dong, Ph.D. Professor, UCLA Neurobiology - Director, UCLA Brain Research & Artificial Intelligence Nexus (B.R.A.I.N.) Introduction by: Alexander Hoffmann, Ph.D. Director, Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences - Thomas […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Jee Yun Han (Boutros), Graduate Student in Gene Regulation, Epigenomics, and Transcriptomics

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Comprehensive study of gene expression outliers and their regulation mechanisms in pan-cancer." ABSTRACT: Cancer is a disease characterized by remarkable heterogeneity. Gene expression varies drastically between tumours and within cells of a single. This variability can generate extreme outliers: transcripts that show atypically high gene expression in a small percentage of cancers. These outliers […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Matthew Soldano, Staff Research Associate for the Pellegrini Bioinformatic’s Lab

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Predicting Biological Aging from Epigenetics." ABSTRACT: Epigenetics are a proven measure of cellular health. Therefore, a field of research has emerged that utilizes epigenetics to measure, treat, and potentially reverse biological age in humans. Specifically, DNA methylation, responsible for cell differentiation and gene expression, has the potential to be a barcode for measuring biological […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Ha Vu (Ernst), Graduate Student in Bioinformatics

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Universal annotation of the human genome through integration of over a thousand epigenomic datasets." ABSTRACT: Genome-wide maps of chromatin marks such as histone modifications and open chromatin sites provide valuable information for annotating the non-coding genome, including identifying regulatory elements. Computational approaches such as ChromHMM have been applied to discover and annotate chromatin states […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Connor Razma (Hoffmann), BS/MS Student

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Baseline MEthylation Patterns prior to flu vaccination." ABSTRACT: Influenza affects millions worldwide each year with responses varying from individual to individual. Influenza can be broken down into subtypes specifically H1N1, H3N2, Yamagata, and Victoria. One way to measure the immune response to influenza is to measure a person’s antibody response to influenza. To measure how […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Jackson Chin (Meyer), Graduate Student in Bioengineering

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Tensor Factorization for Interpreting the Mechanisms of MRSA Persistence." ABSTRACT: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria is an increasingly common and life-threatening infection. While some antibiotics resolve MRSA infections in vitro, these same antibiotics often fail to clear an infection when used to treat patients, suggesting that MRSA persistence is a confluence of both host […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Yue Wang (Chou), Postdoc, Department of Computational Medicine

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Stochastic Model and Optimization of SELEX." ABSTRACT: Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX) is a process to select the best aptamer sequence in a huge aptamer library that binds a specified target molecule with the highest affinity. There has been a deterministic model of SELEX, and we develop a fully discrete stochastic […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Heather Zhou (Li JJ), Graduate Student in Statistics

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "PCA outperforms popular hidden variable inference methods for QTL mapping." ABSTRACT: Estimating and accounting for hidden variables is widely practiced as an important step in quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for improving the power of QTL identification. However, few benchmark studies have been performed to evaluate the efficacy of the various methods developed for […]