Richard Ahn, Ph.D., UC San Francisco

Bioinformatics Faculty Fellows Seminar Wednesday March 21 1:00pm BSRB 154 Towards Integrating Omics, Translational Immunology, and Electronic Medical Records to Predict Autoimmune Disease Outcomes.

PATRIC Bioinformatics Resource Center Workshop

The Collaboratory 610 Charles E Young Drive East - BOYER HALL ROOM 529, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn about the pipelines and tools offered by PATRIC for bacterial genome analysis!


Introduction to Python – Day One

The Collaboratory 610 Charles E Young Drive East - BOYER HALL ROOM 529, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn basic coding concepts in the Python programming language!


Introduction to Unix – Day One

The Collaboratory 610 Charles E Young Drive East - BOYER HALL ROOM 529, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn to use the command line in Unix!


Introduction to Python – Day Two

The Collaboratory 610 Charles E Young Drive East - BOYER HALL ROOM 529, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn basic coding concepts in the Python programming language!
