QCB Research Lunch – Soo Bin Kwon (Ernst Lab)
QCB Research Lunch – Soo Bin Kwon (Ernst Lab)
"Learning a genome-wide score of evidence for conservation between human and mouse from large-scale functional genomic annotations"
"Learning a genome-wide score of evidence for conservation between human and mouse from large-scale functional genomic annotations"
“Subcutaneous adipose transcriptomes reveal a novel master trans regulator, TBX15, controlling a co-expression network with a high polygenic risk for abdominal obesity”
"How individual differences in cognition shape collective foraging decisions in honeybees."
“A Dynamical Biomolecular Neural Network”
“Iterative hard thresholding: a multiple regression approach for genome-wide association studies and high dimensional inference”
“Geometric characterizations of multivessel networks and single vessel shape with applications to disease diagnostics”