W21: Image Processing for Microscopy

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The analysis of imaging datasets is both exciting and challenging. New and increasingly powerful techniques try to maximize the information derived from multi-dimensional imaging datasets. Yet, every dataset can be a unique analysis challenge, and packages may not always work out-of-the-box. In this workshop, we will explore some popular computational tools to extract quantitative information […]

W37: Applications of Large Language Models

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This 3-day interactive workshop introduces the overarching principles guiding generative modeling and specifically Large-Scale Language Models (LLM), their application in Python for inference, and specific use-cases in Genomics. Experience with Python is necessary, and basic knowledge about ML workflows is preferred. At the end of this workshop, you WILL be comfortable with loading, inferencing and […]