W18: Advanced Python

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in python including an overview of object-oriented python (this will not be an in-depth course on object-oriented programming), use of the numpy […]

W1b: Intro to Unix command line II

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop (UNIX Command Line II) continues Workshop W1: UNIX Command Line I and uses the Hoffman2 campus computing cluster. The focus is on features that make dealing with large […]

W3: Intro to R and Data Visualization

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

R (www.r-project.org) is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. First, this workshop introduces basic concepts, syntax, and usage in R programming, statistical analysis, and visualization techniques. We […]

W37: Applications of Large Language Models

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This 3-day interactive workshop introduces the overarching principles guiding generative modeling and specifically Large-Scale Language Models (LLM), their application in Python for inference, and specific use-cases in Genomics. Experience with […]

W31: Spatial Transcriptomics

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Spatial transcriptomics is an emerging field that bridges molecular biology and anatomy. Over the last decade, a battery of assays have been developed that profile gene expression in-situ, i.e, measuring […]

W36: Mergeomics for Multiomics Integration

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Mergeomics is a computational tool designed to elucidate the underlying pathways, networks, and key regulators of complex diseases by integrating multi-omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, proteomics, etc). With use of […]

W7: ChIP-seq Analysis

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop aims to provide skills needed to address principles of the assay, quality assessment, sequencing depth, data processing and functional downstream analyses of ChIP-seq datasets. Students will have opportunities to practice […]

W32: GitHub/Docker

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Learn how to make your applications ready for production and distribution. This workshop will give you your introduction to setting up version control and containerization for your applications to ensure […]

W16: Library Prep for NGS

529 Boyer Hall 611 Charles E Young Dr E,, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This workshop will cover the basis of Next-Gen Sequencing Library Preparation for Illumina Sequencers. Different Library Preparation Techniques (DNA-seq, ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, Methyl-seq) are explained the first and second day in […]

Career Workshop for PhDs and Postdocs

Boyer 159 611 Charles E. Young Dr. E., Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join us for a tailored workshop designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the competitive landscape of academia, industry, and beyond. Learn from experienced […]