Special Seminar: Sara Monaco, Managing Editor, European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
Boyer Hall 130TITLE: "The new culture of preprint peer-review"
TITLE: "The new culture of preprint peer-review"
TITLE: "TBD" Hosted by Grace Xiao for Bioinformatics
TITLE: "Characterization of Genomics Landscape and Natural History of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer using High Depth WGS and Subclonal Reconstruction." ABSTRACT: Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is among the most lethal cancer […]
TITLE: "scGRNdb: A Cell Type Gene Regulatory Network Atlas for Human and Mouse." ABSTRACT: Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) elucidate the complex regulatory landscape in cells and tissues, making them powerful tools […]
TITLE: "TBD" Hosted by Jingyi Jessica Li for Bioinformatics
TITLE: "A Non-Invasive Epigenetic Measure of Inflammation." ABSTRACT: Existing epigenetic phenotype tests often lack mechanistic explanations of the observed correlations between specific methylation sites and phenotypes. This raises the crucial […]
TITLE: "scDEED: a statistical method for detecting dubious 2D single-cell embeddings and optimizing t-SNE and UMAP hyperparameters." ABSTRACT: Two-dimensional (2D) embedding methods are crucial for single-cell data visualization. Popular methods […]
TITLE: "An updated movement path randomization method to distinguish social and spatial drivers of animal interactions." ABSTRACT: Studying the spatial-social interface requires tools that distinguish between social and spatial drivers of interactions. Testing […]
TITLE: "Detection of Symptoms of Depression Using Data From the iPhone and Apple Watch." ABSTRACT: Digital health data from consumer wearable devices and smartphones have the potential to improve our […]
TITLE: "ChatGPT for Clinical Informatics: what can LLMs do now for Health AI?” Hosted by William Hsu for Medical Informatics