QCBio Research Seminar: Paheli Desai-Chowdhry (Savage)
ZOOM CA, United States"Scaling Theory in Axons and Dendrites"
"Scaling Theory in Axons and Dendrites"
"APIR: a flexible and powerful FDR control framework for aggregating peptide identification results"
"A reproductive heir has a central position in multilayer social networks of primitively eusocial paper wasps"
"Shrinkage-based random local clocks with scalable inference"
"MsCAVIAR: Identifying Causal Variants by Fine Mapping Across Multiple Studies"
TITLE: "Chemical reactions and condensates" ABSTRACT: In the past decade, condensates have been implicated as a mechanism of organization in biological systems. In addition to the potentially biologically relevant aspects of […]
TITLE: "Merging Experimental and Computational Approaches to Study Neurodegenerative Disease Dynamics" ABSTRACT: Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's affect millions of people around the world and are a growing […]
TITLE: "Symmetry breaking during morphogenesis of a mechanosensory organ" ABSTRACT: The development of mechanosensory epithelia, such as those of the auditory and vestibular systems, results in the precise orientation of mechanosensory […]
TITLE: "Biologist, Know Thy Cells - A Colorful Barcoding Method to ID Cell Types, their Fate, and Decode Brainwide Communication" ABSTRACT: A major challenge in biological imaging is resolving cell identities. […]
TITLE: "Enhancer Loss and Gene Dosage Sensitivity Drives a Human Craniofacial Disorder" ABSTRACT: In recent years, the importance of understanding the role of non-coding regulatory mutations in human disease has become […]