QCBio Research Seminar: Lingyun (Ivy) Xiong (Garfinkel)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Oncogenic alterations in the p53 pathway abolish oscillatory competence" ABSTRACT: The tumor suppressor p53 displays concentration oscillations in response to DNA damage, a behavior that has been suggested to be essential to its anti-cancer function.  Many genetic alterations in the p53 pathway have been shown to be oncogenic, whether by experiment or by clinical associations […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Marcus Gallagher-Jones (Rodriguez)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: Structural interrogation of small open reading frame (sORF) encoded proteins ABSTRACT: Advances in genomics and proteomics have unearthed sequences of a startling number of novel proteins. Despite this, our knowledge of their three-dimensional structure and function relies on only a small fraction of the known protein universe.  Small open reading frames (sORFs) encoding proteins less […]

COVID-19 Basic, Translational and Clinical Research Seminar Series

ZOOM CA, United States

Swab-Seq: Massively scaling SARS-CoV-2 testing using genomic sequencing. The COVID-19 Basic, Translational and Clinical Research Task Forces has created a seminar series each Friday at noon. The purpose of these seminars is to bring together people across campus working on SARS-CoV-2 from all angles to form a community and exchange information, both for expert virologists and those new to COVID-19 […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Nicolas Rochette (Campbell-Staton)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: Cis-regulatory divergence between highland and lowland deer mice populations highlight the essential role of pleiotropic genes for high-altitude adaptation. ABSTRACT: Variation in gene expression regulation contributes extensively to phenotypic diversity within and between species and plays a major role in complex trait evolution. However, the characterization of the genetic basis of regulatory variation is […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Kexin Li (Li JJ)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "scPNMF: sparse gene encoding of single cells to facilitate gene selection for targeted gene profiling." ABSTRACT: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) captures whole transcriptome information of individual cells. While scRNA-seq measures thousands of genes, researchers are often interested in only dozens to hundreds of genes for a closer study. Then a question is how to […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Igor Nikolskiy (Wollman)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "A state space model to characterize the phenotypic variation in a panel of drug treatment time course experiments." ABSTRACT: As new technologies enable high throughput collection of marker measurements in drug treatment time course experiments, we are faced with a need to characterize the observed cellular behaviors over time.  I will present a model […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Maria Izabel Alves Cavassim (Lohmueller)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: The evolution and co-evolution of PRDM9 across vertebrates ABSTRACT: In sexually reproducing organisms, meiotic recombination is initiated by the deliberate infliction of numerous double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the genome, the repair of which yields crossover and non-crossover resolutions. In most mammals, these DSBs are specified through the binding of PRDM9 and the deposition of […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Amandine Gamble (Lloyd-Smith)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Linking exposure dose to infectious disease development using mechanistic models" (using SARS-CoV-2 in a mouse model as an illustration) ABSTRACT: Disease development after exposure to a pathogen does not follow a yes/no process, but rather a spectrum of disease manifestations influenced by host, pathogen and environmental factors. In particular, exposure dose can impact incubation time, […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Will Shoemaker (Garud)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: “Inferring positive selection in the human gut microbiome using signatures of genetic linkage.” ABSTRACT: The human gut microbiome is composed of hundreds of simultaneously evolving species that can affect human health. However, fundamental features of genetic diversity have yet to be leveraged to identify genes that contribute towards microbial adaptation. One such feature is the […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Katherine Sheu (Hoffmann)

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Quantifying response-specificity to diverse immune threats from single cell transcriptomes" ABSTRACT: Innate immune sentinel cells such as macrophages upregulate over a thousand genes in the minutes to hours following an encounter with pathogen invaders or damage signals. Previous bulk transcriptomic studies suggest there is stimulus-specificity in the combinations of genes that are activated. However, bulk […]