QCBio Research Seminar in collaboration with B.I.G. Summer: Hilary Coller

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "Is there a Quiescence Histone Code?" ABSTRACT: Many of the cells in our bodies are quiescent, that is, temporarily not dividing. Under certain physiological conditions such as during tissue repair and maintenance, quiescent cells receive the appropriate stimulus and are induced to enter the cell cycle. The ability of cells to successfully transition into and […]

QCBio Research Seminar in collaboration with B.I.G. Summer: Harold Pimentel

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: “Model driven design and analysis of quantitative phenotype screens” ABSTRACT: Increasingly, CRISPR screens are coupled with flow cytometry (FACS) to sort cells and quantify the impact of genetic perturbations on a continuous phenotype. While FACS provides much more quantitative information than simple survival screens, it introduces a number of experimental and statistical challenges. Furthermore, as experimentalists push […]

QCBio Research Seminar in collaboration with B.I.G. Summer: David Wong

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: “Salivary exRNA for Gastric Cancer Detection” ABSTRACT: Biomarkers are needed for non-invasive early detection of gastric cancer (GC). We investigated whether salivary extracellular RNA (exRNA) biomarkers can be used as an efficient and economical clinical evaluation tool for GC. Unstimulated whole saliva samples were prospectively collected from 294 subjects (163 GC and 131 non-GC controls) who underwent endoscopic evaluation at […]

QCBio Research Seminar in collaboration with B.I.G. Summer: Valerie Arboleda

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: “From Bench to Vending Machine: Development and Deployment of Novel Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2 using Genomic Technology” ABSTRACT: Frequent and widespread testing of members of the population who are asymptomatic for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is essential for the mitigation of the transmission of the virus. Despite the recent increases in testing capacity, tests […]

QCBio Research Seminar: Giovanni Quinones Valdez (Xiao), Grad student in Bioengineering

ZOOM CA, United States

TITLE: "scAllele, a versatile tool for the detection and analysis of variants in scRNA-seq." ABSTRACT: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data contain rich information at the gene, transcript, and nucleotide levels. Most analyses of scRNA-seq have focused on gene expression profiles, and it remains challenging to extract nucleotide variants and isoform-specific information. Here, we present scAllele, […]