Events for February 5, 2024 - November 17, 2023
QCBio Research Seminar: Arjun Bhattacharya (Pasaniuc)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE: "Distal mediator-enriched placental transcriptome-wide association studies reveal genetic mechanisms supporting the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease." ABSTRACT: As the master regulator of the intrauterine environment, the placenta is […]
QCBio Research Seminar: Xinzhou Ge (Li JJ)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE: "Clipper: p-value-free FDR control on high-throughput data from two conditions." ABSTRACT: High-throughput biological data analysis commonly involves identifying "interesting" features (e.g., genes, genomic regions, and proteins), whose values differ […]
Bioinformatics/Human Genetics Seminar Series: Nanibaa’ Garrison, PhD
ZOOM CA, United StatesAssociate Professor, UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics “TBD” Hosted by Paivi Pajukanta
QCBio Research Seminar: Casey Barkan (Wang)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE: "Critical slowing down signals quasi-species extinction in an evolutionary model with environmental heterogeneity." ABSTRACT: Environmental heterogeneity can significantly affect the evolutionary dynamics of a population. A key parameter that […]
QCBio Research Seminar: Aliya Lakhani (Park)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE: "Integrating metabolomics and fluxomics to study cancer metabolism in low glucose environments." ABSTRACT: Metabolomics and fluxomics are integral tools for quantitative metabolic analysis. By combining mass spectrometry, isotope tracing, and […]
Bioinformatics/Human Genetics Seminar Series: Martin Kampmann, PhD
ZOOM CA, United StatesAssociate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF “TBD” Hosted by David Eisenberg
QCBio Academic Jobs – Postdoc Career Development Series: “Teaching Statement”
ZOOM CA, United StatesPanelist: Eric Deeds Associate Professor Integrative Biology and Physiology Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences
QCBio Research Seminar: Juan de la Hoz Gomez (Olde Loohuis & Freimer)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE:“Longitudinal phenotyping of Severe Mental Illness from Electronic Health Records.” ABSTRACT:Electronic Health Records (EHRs) offer an exciting avenue for large-scale genetic studies of psychiatric disorders in globally diverse populations. As […]
QCBio Research Seminar: Alec Chiu (Sankararaman)
ZOOM CA, United StatesTITLE: "Population structure inference for biobank-scale data." ABSTRACT: Inferring the structure of human populations from genetic variation data is a key task in population and medical genomic studies. While a […]